COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What can I do to prevent getting COVID-19? COVID-19 is spread from person to person. Until you can get a vaccine to prevent it, the best protection is to avoid getting the virus from other people. This means avoiding crowds, wearing a mask, and practicing...

Diabetes Update: Beyond Glycemic Management

Question: My doctor told me that she did not want to prescribe insulin for me, but when I got to the pharmacy, they gave me a medicine to inject. Is this insulin? There are several injected medications for the treatment of diabetes that are not insulin. A commonly...

Medical Cannabis – A Focus on Use in Chronic Pain

Question: What is the difference between Cannabis, marijuana and hemp? Hemp and marijuana are different names of the plant “Cannabis.” According to US Federal law, any Cannabis plant that contains less than 0.3% THC is considered hemp and anything that isn’t hemp is...